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托福口语task 3详细解析

发布:福州环球雅思学校  点击数:  发布时间:2014-1-8 15:51:42

摘要: 托福口语task3答题顺序如下:  是先读一段75-100的阅读文章,限时45秒钟;  再听一段1-2分钟的听力,讨论你刚刚读到的内容;  最后你自己根据阅读和听力的内容说口语,有30秒钟准备,60秒钟说。  那么,你读到的一段一定是关于校

  托福口语task 3答题顺序如下:












  那么在文章说清楚这个决定或者提议之后,会很人性化的给出two reasons,解释一下为啥做出这种决定。口语第三题所有阅读文章全都是这种结构,木有例外。

  听力部分是两个人的对话,一定是一男一女,一般是同学关系。俩人一个是逗哏的,一个是捧哏的,也就是说其中一个是主角。那么那个配角就负责说“啊?哦。really? i agree with you.”说的话没啥营养。他俩讨论的话题就是你在阅读中看到的内容。这个主角会在开头发表自己的观点,agree or disagree with阅读的内容。之后呢,也会给出two reasons。那么一般来说,主角都会disagree。为啥呢?因为agree的话不好出题啊,阅读中已经出现了两个reasons,如果支持的话,要么重复阅读的内容,要么再想出two reasons,不好出题。那么如果是disagree呢?就恰好把阅读中的two reasons分别取反,所以绝绝绝绝绝绝绝绝绝大部分都是disagree,遇到例外的同学自觉买彩票去。



  2.the man/woman agrees/disagrees with the announcement/proposal/it. (如果你能够分清announcement和proposal,就这样说。如果你觉得分不出来,或者想要省点力气找个万能词,就直接说it。)

  3.the first reason is~~或者是the first one is~~随便你,找个说的顺口的就成。把听力中的第一个理由用自己的话总结一下。

  4.the second reason is~~标准同上。



  例1:来自tpo 9的题目。


  required work experience

  the business studies department at state university will now require all students enrolled in its program to complete one semester of work experience in a local corporation or small business. it is felt that students will benefit from this work experience by developing leadership and organizational skills that would not normally be learned in a classroom or campus setting. furthermore, the relationship that students establish with the company that they work for may help them to secure permanent employment with that company once they have completed the program and graduated.



  reason 1,可以帮助学生develop leadership and organizational skills;

  reason 2,通过实习可以帮助学生在实习公司获得permanent employment。

  那么听力部分,一上来,一个女人说“i disagree”就告诉你你第二句话将要说的是“the woman disagrees with it.”后面第一个reason,这种实习啊根本就不能develop leadership and organizational skills,举了个例子说她哥哥参加个实习,就是干杂活的,打字啊整理文件啊,木有实际用处。至于这个第3题的例子,没有必要说,你只要知道例子支持的是什么观点就可以了。那么the second reason is~~由于这个地区很多大学也要求学生参加这种实习,所以就算参加了,也没有办法保证毕业之后所有人都拿到长期工作,那么阅读中的原词是permanent employment,你没有必要用原词,只要意思对了就可以了,可以说future job,随便你。

  给你一个sample answer:

  the university will require all the students to enroll in a business internship to gain working experience. the women disagrees. the first reason is, the companies will not assign general affairs to students. therefore, they cannot learn anything about practical experience like leadership or organization skills. another reason is, so many other university business students have already participated in the similar project. so competition between them will be very fierce because companies may not provide enough positions to all of them. (45s)

  例2:来自tpo 6的题目。


  history seminars should be shorter

  currently, all of the seminar classes in the history department are three hours long. i would like to propose that history seminars be shortened to two hours. i make this proposal for two reasons. first, most students just cannot concentrate for three hours straight. i myself have taken these three-hour seminars and found them tiring and sometimes boring. also, when a seminar lasts that long, people stop concentrating and stop learning, so the third hour of a three-hour seminar is a waste of everyone’s time. two-hour seminars would be much more efficient.

  非常明显,这是一个proposal, 而且是由学生提出的。文章上来一开始,说我们学校历史系的讨论课都是3个小时,太长了,我觉得应该缩短为2个小时。


  reason 1,很多同学没办法3小时集中注意力,比如我自己就觉得讨论课好长好累啊;

  reason 2, 第3个小时纯粹是浪费时间,应该删掉。

  那么听力部分,一上来,一个女人说“i disagree with tim’s proposal”就告诉你你第二句话将要说的是“the woman disagrees with it.”后面第一个reason,tim的夜生活很丰富,经常熬夜啊,但是很多同学人家不这样。人家好好准备好好听课,完全可以集中注意力,所以问题在于tim本身。举了个例子说去年我俩上一个课,blabla…他一直在睡觉。这个例子也没有必要说,你只要知道例子支持的tim上课老是睡觉就可以了。那么the second reason is~~其实讨论课的第3个小时很是interesting,大家可以各种交流思想,万一学校真的听了tim的意见,那么讨论课最好的部分也就木有了。

  给你一个sample answer:

  the letter suggested that history department should reduce their seminars. the woman disagrees with it. the first reason is, the unreasonable schedule arrangement is just tim’s own problem. he stays up late all the time, so that he cannot prepare and rest well. not all of the students have such problem with concentrating in the seminar. another reason is, everyone enjoys the seminar especially at the last hour. actually it’s the most useful part of seminar for the students to communicate. (41s)





  对于托福口语,因为是主观的题目,所以没有任何老师是权威,唯一的权威只有ets,那么ets给我们的参考标准只有一个,就是官方指南里面模考题的sample answer,那么这个sample answer取自真实的考场录音,这是一个满分答案。从这里我们也可以听听托福考试的考场录音设备并不好,这就要求我们考试的时候尽量大声说。


  bus service elimination planned

  the university has decided to discontinue its free bus service for students. the reason given for this decision is that few students ride the buses and the buses are expensive to operate. currently, the buses run from the center of campus past university buildings and through some of the neighborhood surrounding the campus. the money saved by eliminating the bus service will be used to expand the overcrowded student parking lots.

  有的同学可能觉得,他说的好流利啊,我不行啊,那么我们就来看看官方指南给出的rater’s comments:

  the speaker gives a clear and coherent response that is detailed and accurate. he speaks quickly, but this does not prevent him from being understood. he very clearly states the man’s opinion and summarizes the man’s reasons for having that opinion. he uses complex grammatical structures and a wide variety of appropriate vocabulary. as a result, his speech seems to flow automatically.

  第一句忽略掉,第二句说he speaks quickly,有的同学为了显示自己牛逼,追求暴快的语速,这是口语考试的一大忌讳。因为你想,在录音效果不好的情况下,这个男生说得很快,但是语音语调很标准,才不影响考官理解。如果你的语音语调没有他那么标准的话,就影响到了别人理解了,肯定没有高分。另外,说白了影响托福口语成绩最大的因素就是心理因素,本来就紧张,完了你又要说的暴快,结果一路卡带,磕磕绊绊,怎么可能拿到高分。

  从时间的角度来看,最后两秒钟这个男生画蛇添足地说了一句that’s about it.因为觉得自己沉默太久了,这个不用说啊,你剩下十秒钟,然后心想唱首歌吧,千万别啊亲……另外,在一开始,他找不到话说,沉默了几秒钟,算起来就说了40多秒钟。



  the university plans to eliminate the bus service because it is too expensive to run and too few students use it. the man disagrees with the university plan. he believes the reason few students take the bus is that the route goes to neighborhoods where students do not live. if the routes were changed, many more students would ride the bus. the man disagrees with the way the university plans to use the money it saves on the bus service. building more parking lots on campus will encourage more students to drive on campus. this would increase noise and traffic on campus. (45s)

  另外给你一个sample answer:

  according to the reading, the school is planning to cancel its free bus routes. the man disagrees with the decision. his first reason is, the bus now is going through a wrong neighborhood that is too expensive for students to live in, so what they should do now is to change the course of the bus. also they should encourage more students to use the bus instead of using the money to increase the parking space, which would increase the noise on campus and would cause more traffic problems on campus too. (41s)


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