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托福口语task 2详细解析

发布:福州环球雅思学校  点击数:  发布时间:2014-1-8 15:50:44

摘要: 托福口语task2答题顺序如下:  你会看到一个2选1的题目,让你描述你自己的意见,你是喜欢a呢还是喜欢b呢,你同意这种说法呢还是不同意呢。  然后说口语,有15秒钟准备,45秒钟说。  那么你在说的部分,最优化的结构如下:  1.一句主旨

  托福口语task 2答题顺序如下:




  1.一句主旨句:i prefer…



  注意:两个原因之前分别放上一个自己习惯的关联词。比如我很经常用的是first because… another reason is…可以根据自己的习惯从下面这一堆关联词里面选择:firstly/secondly, and, also, on the other hand, because, another reason is, finally




  do you agree or disagree with the following statement? students should be required to wear school uniforms to school. use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.


  我给出的观点是:i don’t like school uniforms.


  hard to distinguish  √ my high school

  limit diversity     √ in china

  √ hard to choose what to wear

  给你一个sample answer:

  i don’t like school uniforms. first because, it hard for me to tell people apart if everyone wears the same uniform. because it’s easier to remember their dressing style. at the beginning of my high school, it took me three month to distinguish their appearance. another reason is, school uniform limits diversity. in china, most schools require students to wear school uniforms everyday. they look alike, behave alike. after they graduate, some of them find it’s hard to choose what to wear.


  do you agree or disagree with the following statement? schools in big cities are better than schools in countryside. use specific reasons to support your answer.


  主旨句:i prefer a school situated in a big city.

  后面该想两个原因了。有同学就开始想,因为大城市交通便利。然后呢?又卡住了。想想我们的解题技巧吧,比较和举例。我的一个cousin,她叫alice,她在一个乡村学校,她的家距离学校有5 miles,每次她自己跑到学校都要half an hour。但是我在大城市的学校,虽然有50 miles的距离,但是我坐地铁只要5 minutes,所以节省了时间。再比如,有人说大城市教育资源丰富。这个也很抽象,怎么具体展开呢?比如说我以前在一个乡村学校,考试都考2分,到了城市学校,考了100分。perfect~


  communicate √ with local people

  √ however in remote area

  opportunities √ in my university

  给你一个sample answer:

  i prefer a school situated in a big city. because, i want to communicate more with local people and get to know their culture better. however, in remote area, you can hardly find someone to talk with. what’s more, a highly-developed city can provide more opportunities for a college student. my university is in the downtown area of shanghai. many students were able to find internships or jobs in large international corporations. so they are competitive in job markets.



  some people prefer to travel in the countryside rather than travel in big cities. others don’t. which do you prefer and why? use specific reasons and examples to support your response.


  主旨句:i prefer travelling in the countryside.


  unusual              √ my grandparents

  problems in big cities   √ traffic problems

  √air pollution

  给你一个sample answer:

  i prefer travelling in the countryside. first because, i can find something unusual in the countryside. for example, my grandparents live in the rural area of beijing, every summer, i go to their farmlands and play with dogs and cats. i cannot do that in big cities. what’s more, most of big cities have serious traffic problems and air pollution. my university is in shanghai, every summer, the subway and train get really crowded. i don’t think travelling in shanghai is a kind of relaxation.



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