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发布:福州环球雅思学校  点击数:  发布时间:2013-3-21 14:08:59

摘要: 雅思口语的另一番风味训练法:  1.自行车  (1)youcanweaveinandoutoftraffic.你可以在堵车洪流中自由穿梭。(翠喜插嘴:爽啊,嘿嘿!weave=织毛衣/穿梭)  (2)bicycingimprovesourhe



  (1)you can weave in and out of traffic. 你可以在堵车洪流中自由穿梭。(翠喜插嘴:爽啊,嘿嘿!weave=织毛衣/穿梭)

  (2)bicycing improves our heath. it can deveop our heart and imb musces. 骑车能让我们更健康,它可以锻炼我们的心脏,和四肢肌肉。

  (3)we don't wear a hemet. 我们不带头盔。(翠喜插嘴:在美国和英国,交通法规包括“骑自行车必须戴头盔。”)


  what are the common means of transport in your hometown?

  do you think it's necessary to buy a private car?


  (4)cuckoo is the harbinger of spring. the “cu-cu caing” announces the arriva of spring. 布谷鸟是春天的使者,它宣告了春天的到来。

  (5)bird droppings are annoying. 鸟粪真够烦人的。


  coud you name some common birds where you ive?

  3. 服装

  (6)i'm not that conscious of my appearance. feeing comfortabe with mysef is the most important thing. 我对外表不太在意。自己感觉舒服最重要。

  (7)cothes say a ot about you. 服装能体现你的个性。

  (8)skinny jeans make me ook ong and ean. 贴身牛仔让我看起来更高更瘦。

  (9)oose fitting cothes are more comfortabe than tight fitting cothes. 肥大的衣服比紧绷的衣服更舒服。

  (10)some girs dress very body. their cothes are too reveaing or too fashy. 有些女孩打扮很大胆,她们的服装很暴露,或者很张扬。

  (11)the cheongsam fits the femae chinese figure very we. its neck is high, coar cosed. the dress is buttoned on right side, with a fitting waist, and skits up from the sides. 长衫(女的长衫就是旗袍)很适合中国女性身材。它领子很高,领口是关闭式的。这件衣服通常右侧扣扣子,腰部很贴身,两侧向上开叉。

  what's your favorite type of cothes?

  do you think cothes are important?

  what are the traditiona cothes ike?


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